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A bimonthly digital magazine with free access

CC Patrick Mignard pour Mondes Sociaux

Mondes Sociaux is a bimonthly French digital magazine in free access (Creative Commons license), created and managed by researchers. It contributes to the sharing and dissemination of knowledge in the humanities and social sciences close by a wide audience. This research must have been published in specialized journals or books.

It also gives researchers a voice on social issues and it is part of the public and citizen debate.

Finally, Mondes Sociaux claims total editorial independence, from the structure that supports it financially (Labex SMS) and from its partners. The decision to publish articles is therefore exclusively the responsibility of the Editorial Committee.

Mondes Sociaux is multidisciplinary and multi-thematic. Every two weeks, it publishes short articles, illustrated (photographs, drawings, Gif…) and readable by non-university audiences, as well as films, videos and podcasts. Recent productions are accessible on his home page, the others are accessible from the following categories:

  • Culture (Leasure activities, Art, Sport…)
  • Economy
  • Education & Research
  • Environment
  • Gender
  • Media
  • World
  • Digital
  • Past
  • Society (Politics, Social movements, Public sphere…)
  • Health
  • Territories
  • Labor

Mondes Sociaux is very committed to the sharing of knowledge. You can republish his articles online or on paper. But you cannot, without authorization, modify them or sell them. In case of republication, you will explicitly cite Mondes Sociaux with a link to the URL of the article or to the Mondes Sociaux home page.

We are also committed to the participation of readers in the production of content. You’d like to submit an article? First have a look at our Author Guidelines.

To know more about Mondes Sociaux and its spirit, you can read :

ISSN 2428-1387