Political organisations at work in the Iraqi civil war
Since 2003, the main reason for the extreme violence experienced in Iraq has been the part played by political organisations which have been continuously fuelling a dynamic of civil war by...
Since 2003, the main reason for the extreme violence experienced in Iraq has been the part played by political organisations which have been continuously fuelling a dynamic of civil war by...
Depuis 2003, la situation d’extrême violence que connait l’Irak s’explique principalement par l’action des organisations politiques qui perpétuent une dynamique de guerre civile en s’affrontant pour monopoliser les ressources de l’État...
Makers, hackers, do-ocracy, do these words mean something to you? Since the mid- 2010s, spaces dedicated to digital practices (hacker spaces, fab labs, etc.) and to DIY of any kind (recycling, art squats, etc.) keep...
Makers, hackers, do-ocratie, ces mots vous disent-ils quelque chose ? Depuis le milieu des années 2010, on assiste au développement d’espaces dédiés aux pratiques numériques (hacker spaces, fab labs, etc.) et au bricolage...